All Around Yoga -

Connection is all around

Welcome to All Around Yoga, where we believe in the power of yoga to transform lives. Connection is all around us, and it is often found in unlikely places. Compassion and kindness can be found in the darkest of places, and the union of yoga is a path to that connection.

Connection can begin in the most unlikely places!

Traci Lundstrom- E-RYT 500 hr, YACEP, Certified Personal Trainer
Owner of All Around Yoga, RYS 200

With a background in nursing and martial arts, Traci “found” yoga in 2009 in the most unlikely place. The physical practices drew her to yoga, the breath focus helped her find her mindfulness and she never looked back!
For more information on Traci’s personal journey to yoga: visit the ABOUT tab.

In 2011, Traci created All Around Yoga as a hub for her “Transitional Yoga Program”, which brings yoga to inmates in county jails.  The program also offered the continued path of yoga through community classes and scholarships to 200 hour certification! 
For more information on Transitional Yoga Program: visit the

As a lead trainer for Yoga Impact RYS 200 and owner of All Around Yoga, Traci has run several 200 hour trainings in Colorado.  As a Yoga Alliance CEC Provider, she has developed many specialized courses in yoga.  Along with a 500 hour YTT, Traci has logged over 4,000 teaching hours. Traci also provides private lessons for yoga and personal training, workshops and trainings, and CEC courses to help anyone find their connection to yoga!
For more information on lessons, trainings & workshops: visit the

Traci has written and published many self-interest articles on the benefits of yoga.  She also designed & completed a research study that explored the benefits of yoga in incarcerated women.  The research was recently published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy (Jan. 2021).  She later authored a meta-analysis looking at the benefits of yoga on depression in an article published in the International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Jan 2023).
To read articles about All Around Yoga & published research: visit the

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